Today, though, I did. Today I went on a brief photography adventure with a friend from work who lives out of state. People who live in Vicksburg know that about 5 or 10 minutes north of town in Kings there is a wild-looking yard/church/sculpture with signs and towers and words all over. The truth is, I know very little about it -- only what the dozens of signs say. Most of the time I just think it's a spectacle that all who visit Vicksburg should see. I sort of laugh at it because it's so darn shocking.
But today I read some of a newspaper article posted among all of the cinderblocks and sculptures. "Lack of vision, understanding ails state, but leaders can turn dreams into reality." A preacher apparently created this display to raise awareness, to shake up some passion. Hmm... Well, it's not quite my style, but I definitely understand wanting and needing to change the complacency of the area (and not just the Kings). I'm guilty of it myself.
"God dont have no white church and he dont have no black church- only one church. Rev H.D. Dennis"
I wish I knew more about this! I wish I knew what to think. I'm pretty sure it's not doctrinely sound -- there are a few signs that don't quite make sense biblically, and there are some freemason symbols on the main wall -- but it makes a striking and bold display for Jesus! That's another thing, though. The display is such that people drive by and gawk at it. I'm guilty of chuckling at the bad grammar and improper word separation. It's great for taking pictures, and for showing folks a unique part of Vicksburg, but my gut reaction is to shake my head and laugh a little. But is this right? Am I right from brushing this off as the creation of a probably-uneducated, charismatic radical? Ah! I don't think so. Not with that attitude. I just wish I knew more!
This is just for fun. I kind of like the grey telephone pole and wires against the cloudy sky. Looks industrial.
In posts to come, maybe I'll actually show some pictures of what I've done lately (finished the stained glass, and almost finished April's alligator!) and acquired for the apartment (a free loveseat recliner!). This is going to have to do for now.
I love you :)